Day 2 Agenda

September 5th, 2024

08:30am - 4:30pm

Capital Terrace


Stop by the registration desk to get your complimentary swag bag, conference lanyard, and badge.

08:30am - 09:15Am

Senate & Congressional


Continental Breakfast & Morning Coffee in the Exhibit Area

Grab some breakfast and a cup of coffee and chat with your fellow attendees before our morning keynote.

08:30Am - 4:30pm

Senate & Congressional

Exhibit Area Open

Meet our exhibitors to network and explore solutions across the Cannabis Banking Ecosystem!

09:00am - 09:30Am

Presidential Ballroom

Keynote to be announced.

09:30am - 10:15Am

Federal AB

Title Sponsor Breakout Session: to be announced.

10:15am - 10:30Am

Senate & Congressional

Coffee & Networking Break in the Exhibit Area

Grab a cup of coffee and chat with your fellow attendees and exhibitors before our morning panel sessions begin.

10:30am - 11:15am

Federal AB

Banking Track

Optimizing the Business of Cannabis Banking

From starting a Cannabis Banking Program to ongoing account maintenance, what efficiencies have bankers identified to enhance their program, expand their cannabis deposit base, and simultaneously boost the bank's margins?

10:30am - 11:15am

South American AB

Payments Track

Vertical Integration of Seed-to-Sale

Seed-to-Sale extends beyond just the supply chain, encompassing payments, Enterprise Resource Planning, and customer loyalty. As companies form partnerships or mergers to integrate and optimize these components, what are the sentiments of banks, regulators, and cannabis operators regarding these collaborations?

11:15am - 11:30Am

Senate & Congressional


Stretch your legs or grab a quick meeting between sessions.

11:30am - 12:15Pm

Federal AB

Compliance Track

Onboarding a CRB, from A to Z

A 45-minute speed lesson on how to onboard a CRB from start to finish. Due Diligence is just one small piece of the puzzle.

11:30am - 12:15Pm

South American Ab

Business Solutions Track

Investing in CRBs: From Doom to Boom?

With cannabis company valuations near all-time lows, where do investors identify potential value-based investment opportunities or opportunities for M&A?

12:15Pm - 1:30pm

Presidential Ballroom

Lunch sponsored by Regent Bank


Lunch & Networking

Join your fellow attendees for lunch and networking.

1:30Pm - 2:15Pm

Federal AB

Business Solutions Track

Beyond Employee Benefits

What strategies can banks and CRBs employ, from both perspectives, to attract and retain the talent needed for the sustained growth of both industries?

1:30Pm - 2:15Pm

South American AB

Accounting Track

Sales Taxes, the Not So Silent Partner

In what ways can accountants assist their clients in navigating the shifting and fragmented tax codes spanning local, city, state, and federal levels?

2:15pm - 2:45pm

Senate & Congressional


Coffee & Networking Break in the Exhibit Area

Thirsty? Need a quick burst of energy? Grab a refreshment and get in a quick meeting before our next round of panel sessions begin.

2:45Pm - 3:30Pm

Federal AB

Compliance Track

Interagency Guidance on Third-Party Relationships: Risk Management

One year after the issuance of the 2023 Interagency Guidance, how are banking organizations handling third-party relationships, including service providers, payment processors, and fintechs? Are there any additional complexities or stipulations for cannabis banks and their compliance programs?

2:45Pm - 3:30Pm

South American AB

Accounting Track

Scaling a CRB’s Accounting Capability

When it comes to scaling a growing CRB's accounting program, what approaches should a CPA consider, including tools, personnel, and processes?

3:30pm - 4:30pm

Senate & Congressional

Day 2 Happy Hour sponsored by FundCanna


Happy Hour & Networking in the Exhibit Area

Join other industry leaders for networking and drinks.